The Great Beset

Over the river and through the woods To New World Order we go. Globalists know the way To impose their sway Through despotic control Inclusivity, sustainability, resiliency — these are all terms that Schwab himself used when he declared in June, 2020, “Now is the time for a great reset.” If I told you that there…

Crowdsourced Mania

“Feelings don’t care about your facts!” Titania McGrath[i] The recent trial of Kyle Rittenhouse has exposed a fixation on narratives instead of facts. Narrative suggestions come from the hypnotic media: As you listen to our voices, you become more confident in your ability to synthesize all the wisdom learned here today, and integrate it into your life in a meaningful way.…


How’s your Thanksfornothing Holiday shaping up? Did you check The Fauci’s Almanac for your T-day forecast? Do you know when to wear a mask and when to hold ‘em? Will you only invite the vaxxed? The Fauci’s Almanac says “If you get vaccinated and your family’s vaccinated, you can feel good about enjoying a typical…

Point of Return

Halloween 2026. It is now the sixth year of the COVIDization of the earth. The “natural” approach for your body is considered foreign, extreme, and unacceptable. Injecting foreign substances into your body has become the prescribed and enforced way of life. Getting the jab is compulsory. The enforced mandate way of life has become the…

The Science Has Settled

The foul stench of burning lithium batteries – thermal runaway – mingled with the rancid smell of decaying protein – rotting victims of spike protein injections – fills the air. The reek, still in my nostrils from yesterday’s walk, lays on my tongue as a putrid tasting film. The heavy odor of gases formed by…

Emergency Use Freedom

It was 8 o’clock. Carl was late and not moving. Idling black buses with grating on the windows and large “In Science We Trust” logos on the sides backed up the streets of Whatchit. Carl hoped he wasn’t too late. Carl finally saw the opening. He revved his bike, weaved between three buses and entered…

The Destroyers

The result of a consistent and total substitution of lies for factual truth is not that the lie will now be accepted as truth, and truth be defamed as lie, but that the sense by which we take our bearings in the real world – and the category of truth versus falsehood is among the…