Masters of the Future, Masters of Faith

Klaus Schwab, the creepy front man for the World Economic Forum, opened the annual confab of the global cabal in Davos, Switzerland with a call to “master the future.” “We couldn’t meet at a more challenging time. We are confronted with so many crises simultaneously. What does it mean to master the future?” “I think,…

Bit By Bit

Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, as clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb. Revelation 22:1 In his farewell address sixty-one years ago, President Dwight D. Eisenhower, warned the nation. “. . . we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by…

The Monstrous Left and Their Misplaced Faith

“Take away the supernatural and what remains is the unnatural.”- G.K. Chesterton You don’t need Stephen King or R.L. Stine for exposure to the bizarre, macabre, and grotesque. Just empower Progressives. These soul antagonists synthesize the unnatural with natural to produce the profane. They solemnize sex and sodomize the sacred. Gay marriage is one example.…


How’s your Thanksfornothing Holiday shaping up? Did you check The Fauci’s Almanac for your T-day forecast? Do you know when to wear a mask and when to hold ‘em? Will you only invite the vaxxed? The Fauci’s Almanac says “If you get vaccinated and your family’s vaccinated, you can feel good about enjoying a typical…

Ask Yourself …

Ask yourself … Did the media just elect Geritol-ad Joe Biden as president-elect of their sock puppet theater? Does the media care whether your one vote is disenfranchised by two illegal/invalid votes? Did illegal votes pour in just like illegal aliens poured in at the behest of Democrats? Are you buying the narrative that by…

My Times are Not in Your Hands

  Despotism has so often been established in the name of liberty that experience should warn us to judge parties by their practices rather than their preachings. —Raymond Aron, The Opium of the Intellectuals During the recent Democratic Presidential ‘debates’, the Progressive Element candidates for president reveal just how incongruous Progressive thinking has become. Two…

Manipulated to Follow the Course of This World

  There is a passage in C. S. Lewis’ novel That Hideous Strength (published in 1945) that foreshadows the media manipulation going on today. I’ll begin with some background from my post Genealogies of Straw? The narrator in C.S. Lewis’ Space Trilogy novel That Hideous Strength tells us about one of the central characters Mark…