“state of transition”

Secular humanists cannot turn water into wine. “Fundamental transformation” and “Build Back Better” are their stated beliefs that they can. To show authority over creation, Progressives coerce humanity into accepting all kinds of don’t-believe-your-eyes change. For instance . . . They’ve changed the definition of vaccines. They’ve changed the definition of gender. They’ve changed the…

Fourth of July Americana Without a Fifth of Jackboot Alchemy

Empty the bottled witches’ brews – the potent eye-of-newt-baboon-blood admixture of COVID scientism and the wool-of-bat-tongue-of-dog-nihilism-cultured Marxism – down the toilet. Turn off the media cauldron . . . ~~~~~~ There. Now, pour yourself a tall cool glass of Simply Lemonade. Cut yourself a piece of apple pie. Kick back and enjoy some Americana. Reanimate…

Ask Yourself …

Ask yourself … Did the media just elect Geritol-ad Joe Biden as president-elect of their sock puppet theater? Does the media care whether your one vote is disenfranchised by two illegal/invalid votes? Did illegal votes pour in just like illegal aliens poured in at the behest of Democrats? Are you buying the narrative that by…

Manipulated to Follow the Course of This World

  There is a passage in C. S. Lewis’ novel That Hideous Strength (published in 1945) that foreshadows the media manipulation going on today. I’ll begin with some background from my post Genealogies of Straw? The narrator in C.S. Lewis’ Space Trilogy novel That Hideous Strength tells us about one of the central characters Mark…

Roll Away the Stone from Your Mouth

  “Take away the stone,” Jesus said. “But, Lord,” said Martha, the sister of the dead man, “by this time there is a bad odor, for he has been there four days.” Then Jesus said, “Did I not tell you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God?” … Is ‘t night’s…