The Days of the Locust

“Happy Thanksgiving”? A plague has cast a pall over the land. Over several seasons much seed has been sown and much labor put in to cultivate good outcomes. But fields and harvests have been set upon by the narcissistic, Machiavellian, psychopathic, sadistic and authoritarian locust of the Left. They have picked clean what is to…

Grave Concerns

Scary People, Scary Times elicit grave concerns For Halloween I present the creatures from the Left Lagoon: Ms. Kandy Korn Kamala Harris “It is time for us to do what we have been doing and that time is today.” – Creepy Joe Biden: Biden goes into gaffe overdrive… – CITIZEN FREE PRESS And family Vodka…

Conform! or Be Scorched!

Or, Joe Biden Defends “Democracy!” in Front of a Fiery Furnace! Every week I shop at a local chain-supermarket. Lately, I’ve noticed that the store’s employees- cashiers, greeters and some of PT shelf stockers – wear a “STRONGER TOGETHER” tee shirt. Three things came to mind after seeing the ‘sloganized’ employees this week. The first,…

“state of transition”

Secular humanists cannot turn water into wine. “Fundamental transformation” and “Build Back Better” are their stated beliefs that they can. To show authority over creation, Progressives coerce humanity into accepting all kinds of don’t-believe-your-eyes change. For instance . . . They’ve changed the definition of vaccines. They’ve changed the definition of gender. They’ve changed the…

Unfair for the Common Man

A dictionary defines “workaround” as a strategy or technique used to circumvent a defect or other problem in a program or system. Applied to politics, workaround describes a solution to a problem that bypasses the normal or established process which is considered to be obstacle to a desired outcome. Progressives, with their aversion to the…

Biden Times

Just the other day I received email from a local Democrat representative, one of our Build Back Betters: Dear Friend, Every day, I hear from constituents about the financial stress and anxiety they experience as a result of rising prices of necessities like groceries and gas. I understand the worry this creates. That is why…