Fourth of July with an Eye on the Horizon

“Good riddance!” That’s what I said leaving the Progressive pothole that is Illinois. I moved to a “less restrictive state” per a co-worker who lives in Indiana. “Enough Already!” of the growing idiocracy with its pagan overlords. Cook County and Chicago are going to hell under DEI Progressives – the intersectional Lori Lightfoot and Soros-sponsored…

Half Life

From the beginning, Peter had the determination of three boys his age. Out of earshot, some called him “stubborn” and “bull headed”. Others called him “a little terror”. And others, teachers mostly, said he needed medication just to be around. His parents, a minister and his wife, called their gift from God “Mr. Resolute”. When…

A Pandemic of Authoritarianism

Here are four bumper sticker/tee shirt sayings that I am proposing to publicly counter the pandemic of authoritarianism: ACT LIKE FREE PEOPLE. SAY “NO” TO MANDATES. **** USE YOUR HEAD OR GOV’T MEDIA WILL USE IT. **** I AM AMERICAN. I DON’T DO MANDATES. **** “You’ve got to speak out against the madness” Madness? Back-to-school…

“Mask Wearers of the World, Unite!”

In everyone there is some willingness to merge with the anonymous crowd and to flow comfortably along with it down the river of pseudo-life. This is much more than a simple conflict between two identities. It is something far worse: it is a challenge to the very notion of identity itself. Václav Havel This past…

Ask Yourself …

Ask yourself … Did the media just elect Geritol-ad Joe Biden as president-elect of their sock puppet theater? Does the media care whether your one vote is disenfranchised by two illegal/invalid votes? Did illegal votes pour in just like illegal aliens poured in at the behest of Democrats? Are you buying the narrative that by…

Juxtaposed! News ™ Lightfoot and Barrett

Intersectionality Wins the Day “For years, they’ve said Chicago ain’t ready for reform. Well, get ready, because reform is here,” announced Chicago’s first openly gay and African-American female mayor Lori Lightfoot during her inaugural address. Lightfoot defeated Preckwinkle in the runoff election, becoming mayor-elect of Chicago. on May 20, 2019. The mayoral election results confirmed…