Ask Yourself …

Ask yourself … Did the media just elect Geritol-ad Joe Biden as president-elect of their sock puppet theater? Does the media care whether your one vote is disenfranchised by two illegal/invalid votes? Did illegal votes pour in just like illegal aliens poured in at the behest of Democrats? Are you buying the narrative that by…

Your Personal Populism

  I will deliver You know I’m a forgiver Reach out and touch faith Reach out and touch faith Your own personal Jesus Someone to hear your prayers Someone who cares Your own personal Jesus Someone to hear your prayers Someone who’s there… -Personal Jesus, Depeche Mode ~~~ When the people saw that Moses was…

The Clash of the Tribalists

  Do you find it ironic that the two major political candidates and their parties each rail against and denounce a “rigged system” but went ahead and rigged their own respective conventions for a certain outcome? ~~~ When someone cuts in front of you in the grocery store line (as happened to me this past…

The Human Condition: A Root of Bitterness is Fuel to Burn

Two campaigns. Two distinct political parties. And two very similar underlying class warfare tropes being megaphoned in order to incite discontent, anger and anarchy in the heart of the voter. Both campaigns are stoking the political fires of self-interest with the dried roots of bitterness. ~~~ “A nation will not survive morally or economically when…