The Takeover of 2020

We can all agree that 2020 was disorienting, dispiriting and depleting. We are reeling from the noxious effects of evil unleased in the midst of a great battle:

“There is no neutral ground in the universe. Every square inch, every split second is claimed by God, and counter claimed by Satan.” C.S. Lewis

2020 started on anything but a neutral ground.  The enemy of our souls, allied with powerful cultural forces – corporate media, ivory tower professors, big-tech oligarchs, and social media publishers – had taken over the cultural terrain. To hold their ground, you and I have been hit with a constant torrent of subversive propaganda to weaken our defenses. The messaging seeks to disorient, dispirit and deplete those who oppose them. It negates and zeroes out everything that is good in terms of a Creator and resets truth to be what power declares it to be. Here is a short list of the anti-human messaging:

  • The world has no Creator. You are not to be considered a creature of a good personal God. You are to be considered a chance by-product of a natural process randomly occurring out of chaos. The human world is a human construct.
  • Your life motivation, like all else in the “red in tooth and claw” universe, is the will to power.
  • Truth is what friends (and voters, viewers, etc.) let me get away with saying.
  • Science is not about finding the truth. There is no truth (we are told). Science is about the means for the will to power.
  • Christianity is at the root of all the problems facing mankind. Since we are creatures of earth, we must turn to the earth for our salvation. Ideology is to replace religion.
  • Language and what you say must be controlled because you must not get away with saying anything that smacks of truth.
  • The repudiation of reason, history, tradition, and metanarrative – rejection of anything that gives society understanding, meaning and hope as to how and why and that stands apart from ideology – allows one to rise above the aforementioned, claim the power of deconstruction and look down and mock.
  • The way forward is through self-consciousness, moral relativism, pluralism and Globalism.

Onto a minefield plotted by nihilists desiring to blast God-given life out of you, communist agitators -BLM protestors – flew in. It is clear from the Black Futures Lab donation page that the protests were sponsored by the Chinese Progressive Association (an agency of the Chinese Communist Party or CCP) among other anti-American sources.  COVID-19 – a bioweapon created and released by the Chinese Communist Party, also flew in.

Seeing a chance to claim a massive stretch of ground under the cover of crisis, western tech globalists and the Pope used the virus and their will to power. With their influence, money and authority (and the subservient corporate media) they sold “lockdowns”, a CCP containment model, as the means to achieve the Great Reset. The Great Reset is a complete restructuring of social and economic life on earth using as its model the CCP communist state.

The CCP uses biometric-technocratic surveillance of its people to keep them in line. You and I are under are to come under the same surveillance. You and I are to be made non-human obedient automatons of the Great Reset communist super-state. To enable this, the outcome of the 2020 election was manipulated.

According to Andrea Widburg “Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg may have played one of the biggest roles in swinging the election outcome.” Putting the CCP-compromised Joe Biden and the pliable Kamala Harris into office by any means necessary -election fraud in swing states – facilitates the globalist agenda.

Totalitarian globalists have taken over 2020. In doing so, they have shown that they hate populists. They have shown their hatred via the corporate media and by the evidenced election fraud. Globalists want to disorient, dispirit and deplete populist America.

To wit, Amazon, Walmart and other globalist big box stores had surging profits in 2020 while small businesses across the nation were being eviscerated not by COVID-19 but by the globalist-imposed lockdowns.

Globalists hate you and me. Globalists love non-thinkers and TV watchers. These nihilists will tell you that there is nothing to understand so why think at all?  Having power is all that matters. Those Gollums love those who have emptied themselves of resistance and follow them to Shelob’s lair.

 2020. Disorienting. Dispiriting. Depleting. On purpose. You and I are reeling from the noxious effects of evil unleased in the midst of a great battle.

Disoriented? One of the aspects of encountering evil is not being able to think straight. Confusion brought on by the repetition of lies, contradictory statements, and the layering of self-deception coupled with moral relativism produces stupor – an inability to think or act. (Shelob’s venom was not intended to kill its victims but only to render them unconscious and keep their meat fresh.) Corporate media sponsored by Globalists is the main source of confusion (and venom) today.

Dispirited? Evil is in opposition to life. Evil is not empathetic. Evil protects itself, its image. Hence, evil is opposed to free speech and to religion. Evil is opposed to redemption. Hence, the removal of meaning through deconstructionism and the cancel culture. Evil pursues a world of Absence and Nothingness.

Depleted? Evil is not simply the absence of goodness — it is actively hateful and destructive. The will to power is behind the bioweapon unleashed in the world and the election fraud unleashed in America.

The following sums up the what you and I have been exposed to:

M. Scott Peck, Psychiatrist and author of People of the Lie: The Hope for Healing Human Evil defines evil as “the exercise of political power — that is, the imposition of one’s will upon others by overt or covert coercion — in order to avoid extending one’s self for the purpose of nurturing spiritual growth. Ordinary laziness is nonlove; evil is antilove.”

It has been said in clinical settings that naming something, in this case evil, gives us a certain amount of power over it. This power is not the will to power in order to control others, as the world defines. Rather, it is the power to not be overcome by evil and to resist evil in ourselves and to conquer evil with good …on the 2021 battlefield.

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