They Hate You

I’ve been reading a lot of realist fiction lately but I can’t ignore the grim reality of the hatred directed at Americans by the Left. This hatred is manifested with tactics no different than the “irregular warfare” used by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to impose its will:

“The three warfares are the coordinated use of public opinion, psychological, and legal warfare methods to “stifle criticism of the Chinese Communist Party, spread positive views of China,””

Elsa Kania, an adjunct fellow with the Technology and National Security Program at the Center for a New American Security writes in a 2016 China Brief article about The PLA’s Latest Strategic Thinking on the Three Warfares. She says that “the application of the three warfares is intended to control the prevailing discourse and influence perceptions in a way that advances China’s interests, while compromising the capability of opponents to respond.”

She goes on to describe the three non-kinetic warfares and their functions:

2015 Science of Military Strategy:

The [2015 National Defense University (NDU) SMS] provides an overview of public opinion warfare, psychological warfare, and legal warfare and guidance regarding their implementation. According to the text, public opinion warfare involves using public opinion as a weapon by propagandizing through various forms of media in order to weaken the adversary’s “will to fight” (战斗意志), while ensuring strength of will and unity among civilian and military views on one’s own side. Psychological warfare seeks to undermine an adversary’s combat power, resolve, and decision-making, while exacerbating internal disputes to cause the enemy to divide into factions (阵营). Legal warfare envisions use of all aspects of the law, including national law, international law, and the laws of war, in order to secure seizing “legal principle superiority” (法理优势) and delegitimize an adversary. Each of the three warfares operates in the perceptual domain (认知领域) and relies upon information for its efficacy. (Emphasis mine.)

These tactics look very familiar. “Irregular warfare”, employed with aggression and deceit (“Force and fraud are the cardinal virtues of war.” –Hobbes), are at work in the Left’s attack on Americans. We are all well aware of one assault close to home.

During COVID (the spread of the China virus) we were subjected to the coordinated force of propaganda to influence and control public opinion. There was propagandizing through various forms of media in order to weaken the adversary’s “will to fight” against what we were told to believe.

There was also the psychological balkanizing that divided the nation into those who “follow the science” and “science deniers” and the “vaxxed” and “anti-vax”.

And there was the legal warfare of COVID mandates that put people in jail or quarantines and closed churches and businesses and put people out of work if not vaxxed. All done to delegitimize an adversary to what we were told to obey.

We were subjected to coordinated fraud in the messaging about the (flu-like) virus’ transmission and effects and the effectiveness of the COVID vaccine and the efficacy of Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin. Multiple doctors and epidemiologists who spoke out against the narrative were silenced in the media and elsewhere. Force was used to stifle criticism and to co-opt and neutralize sources of potential opposition to “the science” and the purveyors of “the science”, the Left’s medical-pharmaceutical industrial complex (Anthony Fauci, Francis Collins, CDC, NIH, big pharma et al.).

Each of the Left’s three warfares employed during COVID operated in the “perceptual domain and relied upon [the control of] information for its effectiveness.”

We continue to be subjected to the Left’s three-fold attack with the “force and fraud” climate crisis narrative. Public opinion is being swayed by climate crisis propaganda: “We need to act now to avoid catastrophe.” “Irregular warfare” is being used against fossil fuels, LNG, agriculture, and anyone who opposes the Left’s narrative.

The fact that nuclear power, a carbon-free and a safe energy source that can produce huge amounts of reliable electricity, is not mentioned by the Left should be an indicator that climate is not an issue – controlling you is. (There is no climate crisis. See video below.)

We continue to be subjected to the Left’s “irregular warfare” with its fraudulent narrative of Trump as a threat to “Democracy”. The apoplectic Left, desiring to influence and control public opinion, wants to put the fear of a 2nd Trump into their viewer and readers. They want viewers and readers to hate Trump.

The psychological warfare element of this attack includes exacerbating internal disputes to cause the enemy – the Right – to divide into factions. Hence, the Left will showcase never -Trumpers like David French to speak against Trump.

The third element of the Left’s threefold “irregular warfare” is used to “delegitimize an adversary.” This is the reason for the lawfare being waged against Donald Trump. The Left is desperate. They have tried unsuccessfully to keep him off the ballot. They have sought to disqualify him. They are seeking to bankrupt him. The Left will use any means necessary to take down Trump through “legal warfare.”

About this, George Washington University law professor Jonathan Turley notes:

“It’s becoming increasingly difficult to deny that we have a legal system now that is being heavily distorted by politics and you cannot look at all of these cases and see blind justice, you see the opposite,” Turley told Fox Business host Larry Kudlow, a former Trump administration official. “You see a justice that is being weaponized, and in many ways the Democrats fulfill the narrative of President Trump. He is now right. No matter what they thought about it at the beginning, they proved him to be right with this pile-on from Florida to Georgia, to Washington, D.C., to New York and most of the public gets it.”

The Left’s MSNBC and CNN and the NYT and WaPo and other media outlets of their ilk are so afraid that Trump will win in November that they are pulling out all the stops. They accuse Trump of promoting a lie (the stolen 2020 election) and calling illegals “animals” (Trump was talking about the murderer of Laken Riley). They will 24/7 you with “Trump is a threat to Democracy and our way of life. We will all become victims if Trump is elected (and blah blah blah).”

We continue to be subjected to the Left’s public opinion influence and psychological warfare via its constant fear-mongering. The Left conjures up end-of-the-world narratives, whether of COVID, climate, Trump or of people who don’t buy what they are selling.

Those who are taken in by Left don’t understand that they are targets of two elements of “irregular warfare”: influence of public opinion and psychological warfare. One reason they buy in is that the legal warfare component is directed at Trump and anyone connected with him. Another reason may be how they feel about the Left’s talking points: “I love the way you lie.”

A key component of the Left’s warfare against Americans is balkanization. The Left seeks to divide us into warring factions. There are those in the media who delight in dividing us rather than uniting us. They live for this. It is how they gain their power, their influence and their money. It is how they destroy America. As Jesus knew to be true, “if a kingdom is divided in two it can’t last.”

And so it is that the above media outlets present authors who foster division by writing that white Americans and Christian Nationalists (whatever they are) are a dangerous threat to “Democracy!”

The Left, to “delegitimize an adversary”, wants to put the fear of whites and of Christians who love their country into their viewers and readers – as if hating them along with Trump was a necessary condition for protecting “Democracy!”

Following the MSNBC promotion of the hectoring book White Rural Rage: The Threat to American Democracy published on February 27, 2024, came another screed published April 2, 2024 supposedly from a Christian, Sojourner’s Jim Wallis: The False White Gospel: Rejecting Christian Nationalism, Reclaiming True Faith, and Refounding Democracy.

Progressive Wallis was on MSNBC promoting his platitudes and inviting all who can be persuaded to reject and help dismantle a false gospel that propagates white supremacy and autocracy . . . and Christian Nationalism (whatever that is)

One Amazon commenter on White Rural Rage wrote something that applies to both books: “This book helps to explain the startling divide in America by showing just how profoundly uninterested such people are in understanding or accepting the views of anyone who does not accord with their own orthodoxy and must therefore be dismissed as anti-democratic.”

And from a review of White Rural Rage by Maria-Katrina Cortez:

Waldman and Schaller portray rural people as passive, unthinking agents in the democratic process. Though “rage” features prominently in their title, they use the word fewer than ten times in the text, and only to belabor their claim that Republican leaders intentionally manufactured rural voters’ anger, as though these Americans would not be concerned about their situations without external manipulation.

And here’s Nicholas F. Jacobs writing in What Liberals Get Wrong About ‘White Rural Rage’ — Almost Everything – POLITICO

“In an interview on MSNBC’s Morning Joe, [author Tom] Schaller gave this unvarnished assessment of the rage he sees overflowing in the heartland. Rural whites, he said, are “the most racist, xenophobic, anti-immigrant, anti-gay geo-demographic group in the country.” He called them, “the most conspiracist group,” “anti-democratic,” “white nationalist and white Christian nationalists.” On top of that, rural whites are also “most likely to excuse or justify violence as an acceptable alternative to peaceful public discourse . . .

“But the thing about rage — I’ve never found it.

“The problem with this “rage” thesis is much larger than the fact that my research, and that of others, is being misinterpreted and misunderstood. What the authors are getting wrong about rural America is exactly what many Democrats have been getting wrong for decades — and appear to be doing so again in this critical presidential election year.”

The following is my response to the red meat those authors threw to the ravenous Left:

“What is inadmissible, both morally and scientifically, is the hubris that pretends to understand the behavior of human agents without for a moment listening systematically to how they understand what they are doing and how they explain themselves.”
― James C. Scott, Two Cheers for Anarchism: Six Easy Pieces on Autonomy, Dignity, and Meaningful Work and Play

They hate us. They hate God.

When spoken of from the High Chairs of Hubris and Condescension, those of us who love God and our family and our country and not what proceeds from the mouths of the elites are not just called “bitter clingers” and “deplorable”. We are called “extremists.” We are called every name in the Left’s style book. And therefore, more force and fraud are needed to be applied. Hence the shaming books of the fellow traveler intelligentsia.

One would think that loving God, loving your family and loving your country would be all good. But the Left hates all that. Leftist elites love themselves and the sound of their condescension.

How far will the Left go? Students of history know. History tells us that the Left will use any means necessary, including injustice, famine, show trials, gulags, and murder to get their way. How far did the Left go this week?

The Biden regime just convicted a 71-year-old great-grandmother on federal misdemeanor charges for entering the Capitol more than three years ago for ten minutes.

Biden regime just proved once and for all that the US government is the most corrupt organization in the world, and it’s not even close… – Revolver News

“Without God, there’s no justice.” -71-year-old great-grandmother Rebecca Lavrenz who faces four federal misdemeanor charges for entering the Capitol more than three years ago during the Fedsurrection. She spent about 10 minutes inside.

Wearing a red scarf and a white hat to the rally, which she said she attended by herself, Lavrenz encountered a group of people praying outside the Capitol, and she joined them for about an hour and a half.

“It was a patriotic, joyful time to be around so many people who love their country,” she said. “I felt a strong presence of the spirt of God fall over me, and I started crying.”

At one point, she took the microphone to speak about a document that became known as the 1620 Mayflower Compact. Included in the agreement that pilgrims had signed before they set foot on American soil was that the country would be dedicated to the glory of God and advancement of the Christian faith.

“My mission in life is to know God and make his ways known and restore the country back to its godly foundation,” Lavrenz said. “Without God, there’s no justice.”

71-Year-Old Grandma Convicted on All Charges by DC Jury After Praying in Capitol on Jan. 6 | The Gateway Pundit | by Randy DeSoto, The Western Journal

This post is meant to alert you to the Left’s three-pronged warfare directed at Americans. There is more that could be said, but there is enough here I believe for the reader to understand the hatred directed at us.

I haven’t even mentioned the Biden inflation and the cost of living or how hard it will be for our children to buy a house and property because of the human-hating financial policies of the Left.

I haven’t even mentioned that the Biden regime’s human-hating open border policy will drive wages down for minorities and put Americans out of work. It is a policy that allows in deadly fentanyl and deadly gangs and deadly terrorists and deadly diseases to kill people. You won’t hear or see any of this from Rachel Maddow. All you’ll hear from her is “orange man bad.”

The Left hates us. And so does the Satan.


I see the Left – its hatred and evil schemes – depicted in The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo trilogy. Having control and imposing its will are essential to the Left, as in the story. Violence, mental and physical, are their means.

In the novels Dr. Peter Teleborian is the psychiatrist at St. Stefan’s Psychiatric Clinic for Children. Teleborian is a sadist who abuses his patients.

The child Lisbeth Salander was committed to St. Stefan’s after she tried to kill her evil father for beating and raping her mother. While in the clinic Teleborian kept Lisbeth strapped down each night for over a year and tried to force feed her psychiatric drugs. Salander later described him as the most evil man she ever met.

Lisbeth is later released from the clinic and put under guardianship. Her guardian suffers a heart attack and she is given another legal guardian – Nils Bjurman.

At their second meeting Bjurman informs Salander that she has to give over access to all of her bank accounts. Her first guardian Palmgren allowed her to control her own finances but Bjurman wants to control every aspect of her life.

Bjurman, to prove who’s in charge, molests her and forces her to pleasure him sexually. Because of her previous problems with the police, Lisbeth decides to take matters into her own hands. At their next meeting, she comes prepared with a hidden video camera. But, to her horror and dismay, she realizes she has misjudged Bjurman; he attacks and brutally rapes her.

Then The Section, an ultra-secret division of the government that reports to no one, tries to have Lisbeth recommitted to Dr. Teleborian’s clinic. This was to be done to protect the members of The Section. Dr. Teleborian is assigned by The Section to write a false report about Lisbeth Salander.

The Section harbored and protected the evil Zalachenko, ex-Russian spy who defected to Sweden. Alexander Zalachenko is Lisbeth’s abusive father.

We later learn that Dr. Teleborian kept thousands of child porn photos on his laptop. He is arrested during Lisbeth’s trial.

Looking at the nature of the people on the Left and their way of doing things with the caveat “for your own good”, it is easy for me to see similarities to the evil characters above.


Public school “experts” are trashing traditional education in virtue and citizenship in favor of victimhood and dependency. The inheritance of Western Civilization has been officially discarded by irresponsible intellectuals, determined to advance their “progressive” ideologies. These ideologies, pushing kids to discover “their own truths,” are generally varieties of “subjectivism” or “relativism.” Critical theory deliberately undercuts our natural commonsense, the shared foundation of a free society, by teaching children that their homes, communities, and even their own physiology are their worst enemies, the foes of their real identities. Ideologues do this by “reducing” our natural experience of Truth, Goodness, and Beauty to “no more than” materialistic “animal instincts” (Modernism), that then give rise to oppressive “social constructs” (Postmodernism), and, presto, an epidemic of anxiety.

They hate you. They hate your children. “Irregular warfare” is being waged in our public schools:

 Joseph Woodard, Rediscovering the True, Good, & Beautiful ~ The Imaginative Conservative


They hate you. Open Border Means Open Season on You – thanks to gov’t paid NGOs like Catholic Charities and others; thanks to Mayorkas and Democrats in need of votes who ignore what is happening.

Illegals are coming, not to assimilate but to plunder.

Another gang threat is unfolding thanks to Biden’s open border, but this time they’re going after American elites… – Revolver News

Violent, heavily armed Venezuelan illegals found squatting in the basement of a US home… – Revolver News

Nearly 1,000 ‘Gotaway’ Illegals Crossed Southern Border on Easter Sunday. (

Illegal immigrant charged in ‘horrific’ child sex crime arrested by ICE after police let him go (

If you allow people from all over the world to come here by the millions in violation of our laws, you make no effort to screen them for infectious diseases and you push them into our largest population centers, you are going to see outbreaks of disease. People are going to die. The health of all Americans is going to be negatively impacted.

That’s exactly what is happening now. U.S. cases of tuberculosis, a deadly infectious disease have soared to their highest level in a decade, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). After 27 years of declining tuberculosis rates in the United States, cases of the disease started to climb again in 2020. They have continued to rise every year since.

TB Is Back – Thank Joe – by Sam Faddis – AND Magazine (

Chicago Woman Demolished Migrant City Committee With Powerful Speech (


They hate you by ignoring you.

Ben Berquam Interviews Devon Jones And Mark Carter Live From The Migrant Crisis In Chicago (


How far will the Left go to dismantle the USA?

Under OBiden’s reign of terror – No Coincidence Infrastructure Destruction:

Train derailments

Supply chain crisis

Food processing plants mysteriously exploding & catching on fire

Planes falling apart in the sky

Ships crashing into bridges

Watch: Something very strange is happening to bridges in the US—the third incident in 7 days… – Revolver News


2024. What does it mean when Americans vote for the destruction of their country? For the destruction of their own children through abortion?

If you consume what is fed from the above media outlets you may be living in a bubble the Left has created for you. You won’t see the destruction of civil society and justice within our land. You will learn, instead, to blame Trump and those on the right for problems.

The following is from a statement from Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States, “on the scandalous proclamation of March 31 as ‘Transgender visibility day’ by ‘president’ Joe Biden.”

All humanity is awakening from a slumber that has lasted far too long:

-the lives of the innocent are threatened by abortion, euthanasia, manipulation, and abuse;

-the health of citizens is deliberately compromised by experimental serums revealed to be a biological weapon of population decimation;

-the total moral corruption of the top echelons of civil authority, enslaved to criminal lobbies in a global coup, is now evident;

-the increasingly arrogant display of Satan worship by the media and the world of culture and entertainment show us a world awash in execrable perversions that cry out to Heaven for vengeance;

-the mad provocation of a world conflict claims lives in order to bury the horrendous sexual and financial scandals of a power that is now the enemy of its citizens.

Archbishop Viganò: Biden must be recognized as excommunicated after ‘Trans Day of Visibility’ declaration – LifeSite (


They hate you. The Left’s medical-pharmaceutical industry’s reign of terror:

Multiple laboratory studies now confirm that Pfizer’s COVID-19 mRNA vaccine is heavily contaminated with plasmid DNA. The latest analysis finds that one dose of the Pfizer vaccine typically contains over 200 billion DNA fragments. These DNA fragments can incorporate into the DNA of the vaccinated individual and interfere with the expression of oncogenes and tumor suppression genes. This DNA contamination has cancer implications for millions of people who were manipulated to take part in this biowarfare experiment. (Emphasis mine.)

One Dose of Pfizer’s Covid “Vaccine” Contains Over 200 Billion DNA Fragments That Can Incorporate Into Human DNA, Causing Cancer – Discern Report

New American Daily | Vaccine-laced Food Is Here (


The Left’s Central Planning’s reign of terror:

Small chains and mom-and-pop businesses simply can’t compete.  Larger chains raised prices but have also been forced to reduce employees and labor costs through automation, but the layoffs are just getting started. 

Mass Layoffs Begin At California Fast Food Chains As $20 Minimum Wage Law Takes Effect | ZeroHedge


The Biden regime’s geopolitical reign of terror:

Mr. Blinken just announced World War Three

 If your situational awareness is well-tuned, you can put together a political weather report from the swirl of events that otherwise seem to confound the degenerate simps who pretend to report the news. Events are tending in the direction of self-reinforcing, ramifying chaos, and the people running the show are obviously insane as they do everything possible to hurry chaos along.

Vectoring Dangerously – Kunstler


The Left hates you:

Batya Ungar-Sargon, author of Second Class

Batya Ungar-Sargon Explains The MAGA Philosophy That The Left Can’t Understand (


The 2024 election comes down to a choice: for those who love you and what you love or for those who love power and control.

Must watch: The description of how Officer Diller’s family welcomed and embraced President Trump is incredible…. – Revolver News


The Josh Hammer Show

The Democratic Party Hates Democracy

Politics, law, and culture collide as Newsweek Senior Editor-at-Large Josh Hammer charts a path forward for American conservatism and exposes the woke Left. A voice for the New Right, Hammer delivers blistering commentary and weekly interviews with today’s top conservative thinkers.

The Democratic Party Hates Democracy

Series – The Josh Hammer Show (


Presentation starts at 7:35.

Onstage at the Reagan Library with David Mamet (

Podcast here:

David Mamet | The Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation & Institute (

The arc of political change: David Mamet, Whittaker Chambers, Ronald Reagan – The New Neo


Don’t accept the Left’s propaganda regarding climate:

Climate: The Movie (The Cold Truth) English (


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