Digitalization: The Spirit of the Age

“Community digitalization holds unprecedented promise. The tools, values, and organizational paradigms that constitute and follow from digitalization enable human enterprise to be organized better, differently.”  “The promise of digitalization won’t be realized automatically; it will require a massive collaboration across societal stakeholders.” Bas Boorsma, quoted above, offers the promise of a better tomorrow by fostering…

Point of Return

Halloween 2026. It is now the sixth year of the COVIDization of the earth. The “natural” approach for your body is considered foreign, extreme, and unacceptable. Injecting foreign substances into your body has become the prescribed and enforced way of life. Getting the jab is compulsory. The enforced mandate way of life has become the…

The Science Has Settled

The foul stench of burning lithium batteries – thermal runaway – mingled with the rancid smell of decaying protein – rotting victims of spike protein injections – fills the air. The reek, still in my nostrils from yesterday’s walk, lays on my tongue as a putrid tasting film. The heavy odor of gases formed by…

The Miracle Workers – Engineers

  “Go and tell John [the Baptist], replied Jesus, “what you’ve seen and heard.  Blind people are seeing! Lame people are walking! People with virulent diseases are being cleansed! Deaf people can hear again! The dead are being raised to life!  And – the poor are hearing the good news!  And God bless you if…